IAIL 2024 - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act

3rd International Workshop on Imagining the AI Landscape After the AI Act (In conjunction with The third International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence)

Malmö, Sweden, June 10, 2024
Call for Papers

About the workshop

The AI Act (AIA) is a landmark EU legislation to regulate Artificial Intelligence based on its capacity to cause harm. Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the AIA is set to become the global benchmark for regulating Artificial Intelligence. The Brussels effect has been noticed already at the draft level, with other regions taking similar initiatives of regulating AI. The regulation of AI has become particularly important with the introduction of generative AI, its impact, and its potential for abuse in many areas of our lives, which led to extensive changes to the draft text of the AIA. The trialogue negotiations between the Commission, Parliament, and Council for the final version of the AIA ended on 8 December 2023 and we will soon have the final version of the AIA text. The text has significantly changed from its first version as proposed by the European Commission in 2021.
This workshop aims to analyze how this new regulation will shape the AI technologies of the future and their impact on our lives. We will cover issues such as the ability of the AIA requirements to be operationalized, privacy, fairness, and explainability by design, individual rights and AIA, generative AI, AI risk assessment, and much more.
The workshop will bring together legal experts, tech experts, and other interested stakeholders for constructive discussions. We aim at stakeholder and geographical balance. The workshop's main goal is to help the community understand and reason over the implications of an AI regulation, what problems does it solve, what problems does it not solve, what problems does it cause, discuss the new proposed amendments to the text of the AI Act, and propose new approaches that maybe have not been tackled yet.
Papers are welcome from academics, researchers, practitioners, postgraduate students, private sector, and anyone else with an interest in law and technology. Submissions with an interdisciplinary orientation are particularly welcome, e.g. works at the boundary between ML, AI, human-computer interaction, law, and ethics. Submitted applications can include regular papers, short papers, working papers and/or extended abstracts.

The workshop will be held in person. The venue is Malmö University’s Niagara building (more information in the conference website).

The post-proceedings of IAIL 2024 the Imagining the AI Landscape After the AI ACT, in conjunction with HHAI2024, Malmö, Sweden, June 10, 2024 will be published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Get Started!

Call for Papers

Do we already have the technology to comply with the proposed regulation? How to operationalize the privacy, fairness, and explainability requirements of the AI Act? To what extent does the AI act protect individual rights? How can redress be accomplished? What are the best methods to perform a risk assessment of AI applications? Do we need to define new metrics for validating the goodness of an AI system in terms of privacy, fairness, and explainability? What methods to assess the quality of the datasets need to be created to be compliant with the current proposal for the AI regulation? How is it possible to deliver a process that effectively certificates AI? How will the proposed AI Act impact non-EU tech companies operating in the EU? Will this make the EU the leader of AI market regulation?
If these questions form part of your research interest, we would be glad to hear from you.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Papers intended to foster discussion and exchange of ideas are welcome from academics, researchers, practitioners, postgraduate students, private sector, and anyone else with an interest in law and technology.

Submissions with an interdisciplinary orientation are particularly welcome, e.g. works at the boundary between machine learning, AI, human-computer interaction, law, digital philosopher, and ethics.

Submissions details

Type of contributions of interest

We encourage authors to submit both research papers and position papers. Research papers present completed and validated research, whereas position papers present an arguable opinion about one of the workshop topics of interest. Both types of contribution can be of regular (12–15+ pages) or short length (6-8+ pages) and should be original, previously unpublished work.

We also encourage authors to submit extended abstracts that present a very early stage of research or previously published work. This latter type of contributions will not be published in the proceedings.

Page limits

The typical paper length for each type of contribution is described in the previous paragraph. However, there is no strict rule regarding a maximum page limit, authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution.

Review format

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed using double-blind peer review. We accept both LaTeX and Word files formatted according to CEUR-WS format. You can find the LaTeX templates at this link too.


Please ensure that your submission is anonymous. Authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. Authors should also remove any information in the acknowledgements section that reveals authors or the institution. Finally, authors are required to cite their own work in the third person.
Note: Papers that violate the anonymization policy will be desk rejected.

Publication venue

The post-proceedings of IAIL 2023 the Imagining the AI Landscape After the AI ACT, in conjunction with HHAI2024, Malmö, Sweden, June 10, 2024 will be pulished on CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Online submission

Electronic submissions will be handled via Easychair.

Authors who submit their work to IAIL2024 commit themselves to present their paper at the workshop in case of acceptance. IAIL2024 considers the author list submitted with the paper as final. No additions or deletions to this list may be made after paper submission, either during the review period, or in case of acceptance, at the final camera ready stage.

Papers must be written in English.

Condition for inclusion in the workshop proceedings is that at least one of the co-authors has presented the paper at the workshop.

Submit the paper

Important Dates

Paper Submission: March 30, 2024 April 14, 2022 (new deadline!)

Acceptance Notification: May 2, 2024

Camera-ready submission: June 1, 2024

Main workshop: June 10, 2024

Program at a glance

Time Activity
9:00-9:15 Welcome and Overview of the workshop
9:15-10:30 Invited Talk - Katja de Vries
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Invited Talk - Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
12:30-13:00 Paper presentations - Session 1
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Paper presentations - Session 2
15:00-15:30 Open mike
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:40 Paper presentations - Session 3
16:40-17:00 Open mike
17:00-17:15 Closing remarks
In the following, we report the detailed program of the Paper Presentation Sessions.
Please consider that:

1. each abstract / short paper will have 10 minutes for the presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A

2. each regular paper will have 15 minutes for the presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A

However, more questions can be asked during the Open Mike Sessions.

Session 1

Time Paper
12:30-12:45 Africa in the European Debate ▪ Etienne Tshishimbi
12:45-13:00 The Future of Food Law in the Blockchain Era: Disintermediation, Algocracy, and Rights Protection ▪ Alessandro Billi

Session 2

Time Paper
14:00-14:20 The Need for a new “Right to Refuse” the Results of Emotion Recognition AI ▪ Roberta Savella
14:20-14:40 Blockchain, AI and Personal Data: Conflicts and Convergences under the GDPR ▪ Alessandro Billi
14:40-15:00 Global Perspectives on AI Governance: A Comparative Overview ▪ Nimród Mike

Session 3

Time Paper
16:00-16:20 "My Kind of Woman": Analysing Gender Stereotypes in AI through The Averageness Theory and EU law ▪ Miriam Doh, Anastasia Karagianni
16:20-16:40 A SAFE-AI package for the EU AI Act ▪ Golnoosh Babaei, Paolo Giudici, Emanuela Raffinetti


Any inquiry can be posed to Francesca Pratesi and Desara Dushi,
sending an email with tag [IAIL2024] to
francesca [dot] pratesi [at] isti [dot] cnr [dot] it
desara [dot] dushi [at] vub [dot] be

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